That Bearded Mofo

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My 129-Word Essay On

Flappy Bird

Published Wed Feb 12, 2014 7:05pm PST

A coworker asked if I played Flappy Bird. I said, "Angry Birds?"

She said, "Flappy Bird."

"Angry Birds?"

"Flappy Bird."

Went on like that for twelve minutes. I'll spare you. The answer was no. Hadn't and now never will because its creator euthanized it like a burdensome relative.

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"One cough and you're gone, Grandma."

Vietnam-located Dong Nguyen pulled his game from app stores because it got so popular so fast that people questioned his morals and sent him death threats.

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You know, the Internet.

Flappy Bird earned $50,000 a day but Nguyen said, as vaguely as possible, that it ruined his life. I have no problem with his elusiveness. But he chose ending this cash cow over selling it for, I dunno, the state of Massachusetts and all its citizens' hopes and dreams. Sounds like he's the flappy bird.

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I guess Mario is having Cornish game hen tonight.

~That Birdy Mofo~

My 129-Word Essay On

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