That Bearded Mofo

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My 129-Word Essay On


Published Mon Apr 20, 2015 7:00pm PST

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Not a real thing.

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Stop telling me this is a real thing.

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There's no way this is a real thing.

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This is a real thing.

This started as a joke that got outta control, right? Like somebody thought of mashing the words bro and pony and made up a comical definition? Then rumored to the Internet that it was real and people started pretending like it was real, right?

So this garbage started on 4chan which is, according to online research, where Satan goes to hone his skills.

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This caused war. Nerd war.

Perhaps garbage is too strong. Are these weirdos any weirder than the weirdos at Comic-Con?

Yes. Yes they are. And they're proud of it.

Alright. Do you. I just don't know what kind of grown man with a beard watches cartoons.

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~That Cartooning Mofo~

My 129-Word Essay On

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